Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Small Victories

As I mentioned in the March 2009 post I discontinued offering Coke or
Pepsi many years ago, opting, instead to offer a more healthy alternative.
My decision was embraced and understood by some and rejected and
criticized by others. The restaurant is a wonderful teacher to me. It
is a constant reminder that I will NEVER please everyone, although
for some reason I don't stop trying. Some would define that behavior
as insanity- attempting the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results. Perhaps I just handle the inability to
please everyone more gently and gracefully so I don't fall as hard
as I once did in the restaurants infancy. It is analogous to a game
wac-a-mole; I just keep popping back up!
Back to the title of this post: Small Victories. I have a regular
customer who happened to be a victim of my insights on the toxicity
of aspartame. He and his wife graciously listened to my monologues as I criticized
his diet beverage of choice, one, that I obviously decided to
eliminate from my offerings. I decided I should bite my tongue and
not bring it up EVERY TIME they visited! So, I vowed to myself that I
would only engage if they brought up the "you know what." So, last
week they came in for lunch and they waved me over to their table and
he said, "Amy, I have given up Diet Coke completely!" I said, "Oh, my
god, I can't believe it, congratulations! "(and I did a little
celebration dance) He replied, "that's not all, I have lost weight,
my blood pressure has dropped significantly and I'm a lot calmer!" I
can't tell you how happy I am for him! So, At the risk of alienating
those of you who actually read my blog I will give you a reprieve from my soapbox, I will challenge you to do the research on the
deleterious effects of the known neurotoxin named
I went through a phase not long ago that I felt I needed to do more
to raise awareness around health and nutrition and its impact on our
emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. I realized my delusion
of grandeur (that I could
single handedly change the world )was
paralyzing. I changed my mindset and embraced the attitude that small
victories are equally as important and just as sweet as large ones.

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