Friday, June 1, 2012


My life this year seems to be heavily influenced by the theme of dogs. Dancing for the Dogs, Snarky Puppy and now I title my blog Dog Years. Today is June 1st. It is the 12th anniversary of Out of the Fire! I have told many that being in the restaurant business is like living in dog years. So, using that as the basis of years passed it is our 84th anniversary! I was 35 when I opened the restaurant so I am now 119! And some days I feel 119 , but I love this business! It gets in your blood and it is difficult to articulate why. The hours are long, monetary reward is low and there is constant exposure to criticism. So why do I continue to trudge on? I would have to say it is all about connection. I think about all of the interesting lives that have touched me over the years. I reflect on all of the wonderful friends that have entered my life and the diverse and rich conversations that I have had with old and new aquaintances.  My life is rich, indeed. Everyone who has crossed the threshold of Out of the Fire has impacted my life in some way. I have learned a  lot about myself on this path I have chosen  and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world. I have been the voyeur of first dates and engagements. I have witnessed heartache in the form of failed relationships, death and illness. I have witnessed the joy of new life. Which leaves me with one final thought. I hope you feel, when you enter the doors of Out of the Fire that you are greeted with same joy that my dogs greet me with when I return home late at night or the anticipatory walk in the woods early in the morning.  Thank you for continuing to add to the richness of my dog years!