Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trees for Talbot

Keeping in line with our commitment to creating a more environmentally and socially responsible business we have launched a project we have chosen to call Trees for Talbot. We will be donating a portion of our proceeds Monday-Thursday to the the project. The project is one of our Random Acts of Kindness to the environment! We will be working with the Talbot County Parks and Recreation Department to identify public areas in need of green assistance. Indigenous trees and grasses will be planted to support the delicate ecosystems that are in dire need of our care and attention.
In addition to supporting the effort by dining at Out of the Fire Monday-Thursday we have also listed Trees for Talbot on the appetizer menu where our patrons can donate additional funds to the effort. The website also has a form you can access to donate funds if you feel called to contribute to the cause after you have departed the restaurant.
We have had an overwhelming response to the project ranging simply from compliments for our effort to large donations. We thank all of you who have participated and supported our efforts to make our county a healthier place for present and future generations.
Amy Haines, Proprietor

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